Durkflex FG Pipe
Durkflex Tube is a flexible, elastomeric thermal insulation. It is a high performance thermal insulation with the closed microcellular structure. Durkflex FG Tube is specially designed for the places where a high standard of fire safety is required, such as the factories and workshops of the electronic industry, food industry, chemical industry, public building and etc.
Physical Properties Unit Data Test Method Thermal Conductivity W/m•K
(BTU•in/ hr•ft2
)0.031 (0 .225) at -20°C
0.034 (0 240) at 0°C
0.038 (O 260) at 40°C
ASTM C518 / C177 Water Vapor Permeabilitld
Moisture Resistance Factor
Water Absorption (b!J volume)Kg/S•m•P
%1.16 X 10(13)
μ ≥ 7300
ASTM E96 Fire Safety and
Smoke Developed*25/50
Class 1 / Class 0
FM ApprovedASTM E84 / ULC S102
BS 476 Part 7 / Part 6
FM UBC 26-3 / 4924/ 4880Density Kg/m3 (lbs/ft3
)50-70 (3 .125 - 4.375) ASTM D1667 Mold Resistance Good UL 181 Fungi Resistance Good ASTM G21 UV 8 Weather Resistance Good ASTM G23 Ozone Resistance Good Dimensional Stability % 0 to 7% ASTM C534 Temperature Range °C -50-110(-58- 230)